Software - La web de emijrp
Escribo mi propio software para multitud de tareas, para ello utilizo sobre todo el lenguaje de programación Python. A continuación encontrarás una descripción de mis proyectos y enlaces a los repositorios con el código fuente.
Tabla de contenidos |
1. Mi software destacado 2. Repositorios en GitHub 3. Repositorios en Google Code 4. Repositorios en Rediris |
Mi software destacado
Desde que me registré en Wikipedia en 2005 he contribuido asiduamente a esta enciclopedia y también a otros wikis menos conocidos. Estos wikis tienen una importante función en la recopilación, preservación y difusión del conocimiento, de modo que procuro dedicar parte de mi tiempo a ellos. La mayoría de mis proyectos destacados tienen que ver con los wikis.
Software | Repositorio | Descripción | Imagen |
AVBOT | GitHub | AVBOT es un bot anti-vandalismo para wikis MediaWiki. Está desarrollado en Python y utiliza el framework pywikibot. AVBOT ha estado funcionando en Wikipedia en español desde 2008, donde ha revertido más de 250.000 vandalismos. También existen varios clones controlados por otros usuarios. En 2009, el proyecto fue galardonado con el Premio Nacional al "Mejor proyecto comunitario" en el III Concurso Universitario de Software Libre. | ![]() |
Commons Coverage | GitHub | Mapa que muestra todas las imágenes geolocalizadas de Wikimedia Commons sobre un mapamundi. Cuando hay una fotografía en cualquier zona, se ilumina un círculo de 1 km a la redonda, indicando que esa parte ya "se considera" explorada. El resto del mundo aparece sombreado. De esta forma se invita a mejorar la cobertura de imágenes disponibles en Wikipedia hasta que quizás un día haya una imagen de cada kilómetro cuadrado del planeta. | ![]() |
Images for bio | GitHub | Herramienta que recopila biografías que carecían de imagen y busca en otras Wikipedias si existe imagen de esa persona. El resultado es un listado de páginas a las que se les puede añadir las imágenes fácilmente mediante un clic. Se encuentra fuera de funcionamiento al haber aparecido proyectos como Wikidata. | ![]() |
WikiRadio | GitHub | Se trata de una radio en línea con multitud de canales que emiten audios alojados en Wikimedia Commons. Música clásica, tango, himnos nacionales o sonidos de la naturaleza son algunos ejemplos de los canales existentes. Permite a cualquier persona crear un nuevo canal con su selección de audios libres. | ![]() |
WikiTeam | GitHub | El software de WikiTeam es un conjunto de herramientas para preservación y archivo de wikis. Funcionan sobre wikis MediaWiki, aunque es posible que se añada soporte para otros motores en el futuro. A enero de 2017, WikiTeam ha preservado más de 27.000 wikis, varias wikifarms, dumps de todos los idiomas de Wikipedia y 34 TB de imágenes de Wikimedia Commons. | ![]() |
WLM maps | GitHub | Mapa que muestra todos los monumentos para los que se conoce sus coordenadas, indicando si éste dispone de imagen en Wikipedia o no. De esta forma permite encontrar monumentos a los que todavía hay que hacerle fotografías para ilustrar sus artículos en la enciclopedia. Se utiliza para el mayor concurso fotográfico del mundo, Wiki Loves Monuments. | ![]() |
WLM stats | GitHub | Genera gráficas y estadísticas de las imágenes y vídeos subidos durante las distintas ediciones del concurso fotográfico Wiki Loves Monuments. También ofrece un fichero con los metadatos recopilados de todas las imágenes subidas, de esta forma otros usuarios pueden crear sus estadísticas fácilmente. | ![]() |
wmcharts | GitHub | Es una colección de gráficas sobre distintos aspectos y métricas de los proyectos Wikimedia, por ejemplo la actividad de los cambios recientes, páginas nuevas, borrados, bloqueos a usuarios, protecciones de páginas, subidas de ficheros, ediciones revertidas y más. | ![]() |
wmcounter | GitHub | Es un contador que muestra el total de ediciones que se han hecho a Wikipedia y sus proyectos hermanos desde que se fundaron en el año 2001. Va creciendo a cada instante por lo que puede verse en vivo como la gente aporta a Wikipedia. A veces el ritmo alcanza las 10 ediciones/segundo o más. La edición número (mil millones) tuvo lugar el 16 de abril de 2010. | ![]() |
Repositorios en GitHub
Estos son mis repositorios en GitHub, un portal para compartir código fuente utilizando el programa de control de versiones Git. La tabla está generada con este script.
Cuando en la columna fork pone "No" (por ejemplo en AVBOT), significa que yo soy el autor original del repositorio y del código fuente. Cuando pone "Sí" (por ejemplo en Apollo-11), significa que hice un fork (bifurcación) del código fuente de otra persona con la intención de aportar algo en el futuro o simplemente como copia de seguridad.
# | Nombre | Estado | ¿Fork? | Lenguaje | Tamaño | Forks | Descripción | Estrellas |
1 | 806.4616.0110 | Público | No | Python | 12 | 0 | None | 1 |
2 | Amstrad-PC1512 | Público | No | None | 12 | 0 | None | 0 |
3 | TIME-BECOMES-MEANINGLESS | Público | No | Python | 0 | 0 | None | 1 |
4 | all-human-knowledge | Público | No | Python | 406 | 0 | Like all persons of the Library, I have traveled in my youth; I have wandered in search of a book, perhaps the catalogue of catalogues... | 3 |
5 | | Público | No | HTML | 50431 | 0 | None | 0 |
6 | artic-timecapsule | Público | No | Python | 82756 | 0 | Some content I would like to preserve in GitHub Artic Code Vault. | 2 |
7 | avbot | Público | No | Python | 3834 | 1 | Anti-vandalism bot for MediaWiki wikis | 1 |
8 | awesome-awesome | Público | No | None | 73 | 204 | A curated list of awesome curated lists of many topics. | 1570 |
9 | awesome-movies | Público | No | None | 4 | 0 | A curated list of awesome movies | 3 |
10 | awesome-northkorea | Público | No | None | 10 | 0 | A curated list of awesome North Korea resources | 1 |
11 | awesome-nostalgia | Público | No | None | 5 | 0 | A curated list of awesome nostalgia resources. | 4 |
12 | awesome-opendata | Público | No | None | 6 | 1 | A curated list of awesome opendata repositories. | 13 |
13 | awesome-wikipedia | Público | No | None | 12 | 3 | A curated list of awesome Wikipedia-related frameworks, libraries, software, datasets and references. | 45 |
14 | baja-blogs | Público | No | Shell | 14 | 0 | Scripts para bajar blogs | 1 |
15 | caja-ujce-downloader | Público | No | Python | 924 | 0 | Scripts for downloading La Caja de Herramientas de la UJCE | 1 |
16 | commons-coverage | Público | No | JavaScript | 181 | 2 | A map for Wikimedia Commons coverage | 7 |
17 | currentevents | Público | No | Python | 45 | 1 | Some scripts and metadata about current events articles in Wikipedia | 2 |
18 | dictionaries-timecapsule | Público | No | Python | 987355 | 0 | A Rosetta Stone for future generations | 1 |
19 | emijrp | Público | No | Python | 3244 | 1 | None | 1 |
20 | | Público | No | HTML | 48673 | 2 | Personal website | 2 |
21 | enciclopedia-biografias-web | Público | No | HTML | 3433 | 0 | Sección de biografías de la enciclopedia | 1 |
22 | enciclopedia-museos-web | Público | No | None | 12 | 0 | Sección de museos de la web | 1 |
23 | enciclopedia-web | Público | No | HTML | 102 | 0 | Enciclopedia generalista basada en Wikipedia | 1 |
24 | flickr-timecapsule | Público | No | Python | 42145 | 0 | Some of my pictures on Flickr. | 1 |
25 | fondos-web | Público | No | HTML | 946 | 0 | Fondos de pantalla libres | 1 |
26 | gitorious | Público | No | HTML | 1188 | 0 | List of Gitorious repositories | 1 |
27 | haselismo | Público | No | Python | 14 | 0 | Frases aleatorias del poeta y rapero Pablo Hasel | 1 |
28 | humanidad | Público | No | HTML | 14 | 0 | None | 1 |
29 | iacounter | Público | No | Python | 44 | 0 | Bytes counter for Internet Archive | 2 |
30 | imagesforbio | Público | No | None | 12 | 0 | Recommender system of images for Wikipedia biography articles | 1 |
31 | internet-archive | Público | No | Python | 279 | 1 | Scripts for Internet Archive | 2 |
32 | | Público | No | None | 311 | 0 | Mirror of | 1 |
33 | jamendo-downloader | Público | No | Python | 11 | 0 | Script to download Jamendo albums | 1 |
34 | latex2wiki | Público | No | Python | 19 | 0 | None | 0 |
35 | librefind | Público | No | Python | 106 | 0 | Wiki search engine with results sorted by community consensus | 1 |
36 | | Público | No | Python | 986 | 0 | Scripts para locapedias | 1 |
37 | | Público | No | Python | 17 | 0 | Scripts para Madripedia | 1 |
38 | manifiesto-del-partido-comunista | Público | No | None | 72 | 0 | Manifiesto del Partido Comunista | 2 |
39 | neptuno-web | Público | No | HTML | 58 | 0 | None | 0 |
40 | species-timecapsule | Público | No | Python | 211078 | 0 | A Noah's Ark for future generations | 1 |
41 | statmediawiki | Público | No | Python | 3434 | 0 | Statistics for MediaWiki wikis | 1 |
42 | tests | Público | No | None | 14 | 0 | tests | 0 |
43 | time-machine | Público | No | Python | 13 | 0 | First open-source time machine | 1 |
44 | trece-rosas | Público | No | None | 14 | 0 | None | 1 |
45 | vejer-web | Público | No | JavaScript | 215 | 0 | Web turística sobre Vejer de la Frontera | 1 |
46 | wikanda | Público | No | Python | 29 | 0 | Scripts para los wikis de Wikanda | 1 |
47 | wiki2html | Público | No | Python | 22 | 2 | Convert wiki markup into HTML pages | 4 |
48 | wikidata | Público | No | Python | 961 | 16 | Scripts for Wikidata | 13 |
49 | wikidumps | Público | No | None | 50120 | 0 | Database dumps for several wikis | 1 |
50 | wikievidens | Público | No | Python | 1044 | 0 | None | 1 |
51 | wikiindex | Público | No | Python | 31 | 0 | Scripts and bots for WikiIndex wiki | 1 |
52 | wikimania | Público | No | Hack | 122 | 0 | Mashup for Wikimania events | 1 |
53 | wikimemoria | Público | No | Python | 268 | 0 | Enciclopedia de la Memoria Histórica | 1 |
54 | wikipedia-red-links | Público | No | Python | 23 | 1 | Wikipedia red links | 1 |
55 | wikipedia-scripts | Público | No | Python | 23 | 0 | Some scripts and bots for Wikipedia | 3 |
56 | wikipedia2github | Público | No | None | 14 | 0 | Wikipedia mediawiki to GitHub markdown converter | 1 |
57 | wikiradio | Público | No | PHP | 185 | 3 | A radio for Wikimedia Commons audio files | 13 |
58 | wikis-web | Público | No | JavaScript | 591 | 0 | Directorio de wikis en español | 1 |
59 | | Público | No | Python | 14 | 0 | Scripts para wikis de | 1 |
60 | wikistatistics-mediawiki-extension | Público | No | JavaScript | 116 | 0 | A MediaWiki extension for basic statistics | 1 |
61 | wikitweets | Público | No | Python | 392 | 0 | A collection of Twitter bots about Wikipedia, Wikimedia Commons and other wikis | 4 |
62 | wisor | Público | No | Python | 120 | 0 | None | 0 |
63 | wlm-2011-dataset | Público | No | Python | 5536 | 0 | None | 0 |
64 | wlm-maps | Público | No | JavaScript | 2048 | 7 | A map for the Wiki Loves Monuments photograph contest | 10 |
65 | wlm-stats | Público | No | Hack | 110465 | 6 | Statistics and graphs about the Wiki Loves Monuments photograph contest | 5 |
66 | wmcharts | Público | No | JavaScript | 270 | 2 | A collection of charts about Wikimedia projects. | 4 |
67 | wmcommons | Público | No | None | 13 | 0 | Scripts for Wikimedia Commons | 1 |
68 | wmcounter | Público | No | JavaScript | 360 | 2 | A near real-time counter for all Wikimedia projects together | 5 |
69 | wmflabs | Público | No | Python | 15 | 1 | Some basic scripts for the Wikimedia Labs | 1 |
70 | | Público | No | HTML | 217 | 0 | Mirror of | 1 |
71 | Apollo-11 | Público | Sí | Assembly | 945 | 1 | Original Apollo 11 Guidance Computer (AGC) source code for the command and lunar modules. | 0 |
72 | ArchivandoChile | Público | Sí | None | 28 | 0 | None | 0 |
73 | ArchiveBot | Público | Sí | Python | 2026 | 0 | ArchiveBot, an IRC bot for archiving websites | 0 |
74 | Awesome-UNIX | Público | Sí | None | 1223 | 0 | All the UNIX and UNIX-Like: Linux, BSD, macOS, Illumos, 9front, and more. | 0 |
75 | Balchivist | Público | Sí | Python | 184 | 0 | Python library for archiving datasets | 0 |
76 | Celestia | Público | Sí | None | 160940 | 0 | Real-time 3D visualization of space. | 0 |
77 | ChatterBot | Público | Sí | Python | 2244 | 0 | ChatterBot is a machine learning, conversational dialog engine. | 0 |
78 | FlickrFckr | Público | Sí | Shell | 85 | 0 | None | 0 |
79 | Font-Awesome | Público | Sí | HTML | 34873 | 0 | The iconic font and CSS toolkit | 0 |
80 | IA.BAK | Público | Sí | Shell | 39798 | 0 | We back up a lot of stuff from around the web; now it's time to back up the Internet Archive, just in case. | 0 |
81 | Leaflet-MiniMap | Público | Sí | HTML | 568 | 0 | A minimap control plugin for Leaflet | 0 |
82 | Leaflet.Terminator | Público | Sí | CSS | 37 | 0 | Night and day regions on Earth | 0 |
83 | Leaflet.fullscreen | Público | Sí | HTML | 162 | 0 | A fullscreen control for Leaflet | 0 |
84 | Manifesto-of-the-Communist-Party_31193 | Público | Sí | HTML | 66 | 0 | Manifesto of the Communist Party by Engels, Friedrich Marx, Karl is a Project Gutenberg book, now on Github. | 1 |
85 | OpenCV-detection-models | Público | Sí | None | 29441 | 0 | OpenCV trained detection models: Haar, HOG and other | 0 |
86 | OpenCV2-Python-Tutorials | Público | Sí | Python | 13187 | 0 | This repo contains tutorials on OpenCV-Python library using new cv2 interface | 0 |
87 | Peachy | Público | Sí | PHP | 1786 | 0 | The official MediaWiki PHP bot framework. Current Version: 2.0 alpha 8 | 0 |
88 | Perpetual-Wiki | Público | Sí | Python | 100 | 0 | Perpetually Archive Wikipedia | 0 |
89 | Repressaliats-Franquisme-Catalunya | Público | Sí | R | 11012 | 0 | A list in a tidy format of Catalans that suffered reprisals during the last Spanish dictatorship | 0 |
90 | Salvius | Público | Sí | CSS | 20998 | 0 | An open source humanoid robot made from recycled parts and open source technology | 0 |
91 | SatTrack | Público | Sí | Python | 11281 | 0 | Real time satellite tracking with antennas. | 0 |
92 | SemanticMediaWiki | Público | Sí | PHP | 42681 | 0 | 🔗 Semantic MediaWiki turns MediaWiki into a knowledge management platform with query and export capabilities | 1 |
93 | SimpleCV | Público | Sí | Python | 204103 | 0 | The Open Source Framework for Machine Vision | 0 |
94 | StarCraft | Público | Sí | JavaScript | 44883 | 0 | HTML5 version for StarCraft game | 0 |
95 | Sublist3r | Público | Sí | Python | 1093 | 0 | Fast subdomains enumeration tool for penetration testers | 0 |
96 | The-Communist-Manifesto_61 | Público | Sí | None | 99 | 0 | The Communist Manifesto by Marx, Karl, 1818-1883 Engels, Friedrich, 1820-1895 is a Project Gutenberg book, now on Github. | 0 |
97 | The-Enemies-of-Books_1302 | Público | Sí | None | 152 | 0 | The Enemies of Books by Blades, William, 1824-1890 is a Project Gutenberg book, now on Github. | 0 |
98 | The-Natural-History-of-Pliny-Volume-1-of-6-by-Pliny-the-Elder_57493 | Público | Sí | None | 1168 | 0 | The Natural History of Pliny, Volume 1 (of 6) by Pliny, the Elder by Pliny the Elder is a Project Gutenberg book, now on Github. | 0 |
99 | The-Spread-of-Communism | Público | Sí | JavaScript | 14554 | 0 | A data visualization showing the rise and fall of global communism, from 1917 to 2017. | 0 |
100 | VideoBot | Público | Sí | Python | 53 | 0 | Specialised bot for periodical grabs and video/audio/etc. webpage scrapes. | 0 |
101 | WikiApiary | Público | Sí | Python | 1222 | 0 | Celery-based task workers for collecting and updating data on WikiApiary. | 0 |
102 | aima-python | Público | Sí | Jupyter Notebook | 11779 | 0 | Python implementation of algorithms from Russell And Norvig's "Artificial Intelligence - A Modern Approach" | 0 |
103 | archive-program | Público | Sí | None | 50 | 0 | The GitHub Archive Program & Arctic Code Vault | 1 |
104 | archive_tweet | Público | Sí | Python | 20 | 0 | A Twitter bot that archives tweets on demand. | 0 |
105 | archivebot-archives | Público | Sí | Python | 23521 | 0 | None | 0 |
106 | | Público | Sí | HTML | 1624 | 0 | Internet Archive Labs home page | 0 |
107 | arcosViz | Público | Sí | None | 405 | 0 | Visualizacion de vidas cortadas | 0 |
108 | awesome | Público | Sí | None | 998 | 0 | :sunglasses: Curated list of awesome lists | 0 |
109 | awesome-d | Público | Sí | None | 115 | 0 | A curated list of awesome D documents, frameworks, libraries and software. Inspired by awesome-python. | 0 |
110 | awesome-elixir | Público | Sí | None | 127 | 0 | A curated list of amazingly awesome Elixir libraries, resources and shiny things. | 0 |
111 | awesome-javascript | Público | Sí | None | 292 | 0 | A collection of awesome browser-side JavaScript libraries, resources and shiny things. | 0 |
112 | awesome-machine-learning | Público | Sí | Python | 935 | 0 | A curated list of awesome Machine Learning frameworks, libraries and software. | 0 |
113 | awesome-nodejs | Público | Sí | None | 155 | 0 | A curated list of astonishing Node.js frameworks, libraries and resources. Inspired by awesome-php and awesome-python. | 0 |
114 | awesome-perl | Público | Sí | None | 113 | 0 | A curated list of awesome Perl frameworks and libraries. Come on Pull Requests! | 0 |
115 | awesome-public-datasets | Público | Sí | None | 240 | 0 | An awesome list of high-quality datasets in public domains (on-going). | 1 |
116 | awesome-python | Público | Sí | Python | 1437 | 0 | A curated list of awesome Python frameworks, libraries and resources. Inspired by awesome-php. | 0 |
117 | awesome-shell | Público | Sí | None | 116 | 0 | A curated list of awesome command-line frameworks, toolkits, guides and gizmos. Inspired by awesome-php. | 0 |
118 | backup-all-my-flickr-photos | Público | Sí | Python | 7 | 0 | Script to download all your Flickr photos and videos | 0 |
119 | beautiful-web-type | Público | Sí | None | 58748 | 0 | In-depth guide to the best open-source typefaces: | 0 |
120 | best-resume-ever | Público | Sí | Vue | 12074 | 0 | :necktie: :briefcase: Build fast :rocket: and easy multiple beautiful resumes and create your best CV ever! Made with Vue and LESS. | 0 |
121 | book-catalogue | Público | Sí | Shell | 3376 | 0 | The books I own | 0 |
122 | | Público | Sí | Python | 27 | 0 | Full-text search Internet Archive's library of thousands of Greek & Roman classics | 0 |
123 | breakthrough | Público | Sí | Jupyter Notebook | 125193 | 0 | UC Berkeley's software and documentation for Breakthrough Listen data | 0 |
124 | carl-sagan-tribute | Público | Sí | HTML | 148 | 0 | Carl Sagan tribute page | 1 |
125 | catalogue-lumiere | Público | Sí | None | 440 | 0 | a complete catalogue of all films produced by the Lumière company between 1895 and 1905. | 1 |
126 | cdnjs | Público | Sí | None | 946203 | 0 | Our goal is to operate this CDN in a peer reviewed fashion. | 0 |
127 | cities | Público | Sí | None | 348376 | 0 | Poly files for cities, which can be used to create OSM files out of larger regions | 0 |
128 | collection | Público | Sí | None | 7502 | 0 | The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) collection data | 0 |
129 | collection-1 | Público | Sí | Python | 224279 | 0 | Tate Collection metadata | 0 |
130 | croawl | Público | Sí | Python | 38 | 0 | Crawler for open repositories with Dublin Core meta tags. | 0 |
131 | croptool | Público | Sí | PHP | 1232 | 0 | Tool for cropping images at Wikimedia Commons and other Wikimedia wikis | 0 |
132 | curations | Público | Sí | None | 7 | 0 | Curations of extraordinary Internet Archive items, for public good. | 0 |
133 | data | Público | Sí | Python | 26761 | 0 | Python related videos and metadata powering => | 0 |
134 | datasets | Público | Sí | None | 2284 | 0 | None | 1 |
135 | dbpedia | Público | Sí | PHP | 103920 | 0 | Various tools for the DBpedia project - This does NOT contain the DBpedia extaction framework | 0 |
136 | deep-learning-with-python-notebooks | Público | Sí | Jupyter Notebook | 6888 | 0 | Jupyter notebooks for the code samples of the book "Deep Learning with Python" | 0 |
137 | diyhpluswiki | Público | Sí | Roff | 6611 | 0 | a wiki for do-it-yourself biohacking, open source hardware and transhuman tech | 0 |
138 | endangered-languages | Público | Sí | TeX | 868 | 0 | Resources for conservation, development, and documentation of endangered, minority, and low or under-resourced human languages. | 0 |
139 | extraction-framework | Público | Sí | Web Ontology Language | 60706 | 0 | The software used to extract structured data from Wikipedia | 0 |
140 | fact-join | Público | Sí | Python | 18 | 0 | Combine two wikipedia pages to make new facts. Tweets @brand_new_facts | 0 |
141 | filmaffinity2IMDB | Público | Sí | Python | 119 | 0 | Get filmaffinity voted movies, save them to CSV and post them on IMDB | 0 |
142 | flickrapi | Público | Sí | Python | 1588 | 0 | Python Flickr API implementation | 0 |
143 | flickrmirrorer | Público | Sí | Python | 140 | 0 | A small command-line python script that creates a local backup of your Flickr data. It mirrors images, titles, description, tags, albums and collections. | 0 |
144 | fonts | Público | Sí | None | 532195 | 0 | Font files available from Google Fonts | 0 |
145 | free-programming-books | Público | Sí | None | 5455 | 0 | :books: Freely available programming books | 0 |
146 | | Público | Sí | CSS | 735 | 0 | None | 0 |
147 | | Público | Sí | JavaScript | 1173 | 0 | - universal content liberation | 0 |
148 | git | Público | Sí | C | 2014380 | 0 | Git Source Code Mirror - This is a publish-only repository and all pull requests are ignored. Please follow Documentation/SubmittingPatches procedure for any of your improvements. | 0 |
149 | github-backup | Público | Sí | Haskell | 627 | 0 | backs up everything github knows about a repository, to the repository | 0 |
150 | github-cheat-sheet | Público | Sí | None | 716 | 0 | A list of cool features of Git and GitHub. | 0 |
151 | | Público | Sí | Ruby | 445 | 0 | GitHub Archive is a project to record the public GitHub timeline, archive it, and make it easily accessible for further analysis. | 0 |
152 | glottolog | Público | Sí | None | 539732 | 0 | Collaborative data curation for Glottolog | 0 |
153 | graph-books | Público | Sí | Python | 476 | 0 | A graph representation of my library | 0 |
154 | | Público | Sí | CSS | 151 | 0 | Spotify clone for the Internet Archive's Music Library | 0 |
155 | gutenberg | Público | Sí | JavaScript | 4463 | 0 | Scraper for downloading the entire ebooks repository of project Gutenberg | 0 |
156 | hello-future | Público | Sí | None | 0 | 0 | Things to store in the GitHub Arctic Code Vault | 0 |
157 | history-timeline | Público | Sí | JavaScript | 2656 | 0 | Visualization of the globally famous people lifetimes. | 0 |
158 | https-everywhere | Público | Sí | JavaScript | 87587 | 0 | The official Github mirror of the HTTPS Everywhere repository at You can send pull requests here. | 0 |
159 | iagitup | Público | Sí | Python | 28 | 0 | A small tool to archive a GitHub repository on the Internet Archive. The script downloads the GitHub repository, creates a git bundle and uploads it on in a timestamped item. With nice description and metadata! | 0 |
160 | iamine | Público | Sí | Python | 88 | 0 | Internet Archive Data Mining Tools | 0 |
161 | | Público | Sí | JavaScript | 84552 | 0 | Internet Archive IIIF Image 2.0 Server | 0 |
162 | imagedirectory | Público | Sí | Python | 210142 | 0 | Manifests of the public domain images uploaded to Flickr Commons, with descriptive information about the books they were taken from. | 0 |
163 | imslp-scrape | Público | Sí | Python | 1228 | 0 | Scraping Library for | 0 |
164 | | Público | Sí | JavaScript | 378 | 0 | 🚀 Streaming file transfer over WebTorrent (torrents on the web) | 0 |
165 | internetarchive | Público | Sí | Python | 1226 | 0 | A Python and Command-Line Interface to | 0 |
166 | ipfs | Público | Sí | None | 2097 | 0 | IPFS - The Permanent Web | 0 |
167 | ipfscrape | Público | Sí | Shell | 0 | 0 | Scrape pages and store them in IPFS | 0 |
168 | iptv | Público | Sí | None | 30919 | 0 | Collection of 8000+ publicly available IPTV channels from all over the world | 0 |
169 | json-sempai | Público | Sí | Python | 37 | 0 | Use JSON files as if they are python modules | 0 |
170 | keras | Público | Sí | Python | 12105 | 0 | Deep Learning for humans | 0 |
171 | kiwix | Público | Sí | C++ | 159491 | 0 | None | 0 |
172 | kiwix-desktop | Público | Sí | JavaScript | 6203 | 0 | Kiwix for Windows and GNU/Linux desktops | 1 |
173 | lais-audiovisual | Público | Sí | JavaScript | 213168 | 0 | Aplicación web para administrar y poner en acceso las fichas de catalogación de los documentales del LAIS | 0 |
174 | language-codes | Público | Sí | Shell | 243 | 0 | ISO Language Codes (639-1 and 639-2) | 0 |
175 | leaflet-geoip | Público | Sí | JavaScript | 29 | 0 | GeoIP Plugin for Leaflet.js | 0 |
176 | lemarios | Público | Sí | Groovy | 2289 | 0 | Lemarios y listas de palabras del español | 0 |
177 | levitation | Público | Sí | Python | 174 | 0 | Tools to convert Wikipedia dumps into Git repositories. | 0 |
178 | life | Público | Sí | HTML | 62 | 0 | Life - a timeline of important events in my life | 0 |
179 | linux | Público | Sí | C | 2201928 | 0 | Linux kernel source tree | 0 |
180 | listen-to-wikipedia | Público | Sí | JavaScript | 14582 | 0 | Live, generative music from Wikipedia edits | 0 |
181 | little-things | Público | Sí | Shell | 22 | 0 | The little things give you away... A collection of various small helper stuff | 0 |
182 | localwiki | Público | Sí | None | 34775 | 0 | LocalWiki a grassroots effort to collect, share and open the world's local knowledge. | 0 |
183 | logic-theorist | Público | Sí | None | 705 | 0 | The sources of the first theorem prover. | 0 |
184 | longview | Público | Sí | Python | 553 | 0 | Long View is a utility written in Python for generating long-spanning timelines from CSV-formatted data. | 0 |
185 | mastodon | Público | Sí | Ruby | 39332 | 0 | A GNU Social-compatible microblogging server | 0 |
186 | mediawiki | Público | Sí | PHP | 997141 | 0 | 🌻 The collaborative editing software that runs Wikipedia. This is a mirror from See for contributing. | 1 |
187 | mediawiki-extensions | Público | Sí | Python | 230408 | 0 | Github mirror of all MediaWiki extensions - our actual code is hosted with Gerrit (please see for contributing) | 0 |
188 | mindmapit | Público | Sí | JavaScript | 976 | 0 | Simple web tool to create mindmaps | 0 |
189 | mwoffliner | Público | Sí | JavaScript | 713 | 0 | None | 0 |
190 | neocities | Público | Sí | HTML | 46766 | 0 | - the web site. The entire thing. Yep, we're completely open source. | 0 |
191 | nomesevoces_viz | Público | Sí | JavaScript | 4248 | 0 | Visualización de los datos del proyecto | 0 |
192 | old-pyvideo-data | Público | Sí | Python | 7962 | 0 | DEPRECATED: Video data for Python related conferences | 0 |
193 | opencv | Público | Sí | C++ | 1061154 | 0 | Open Source Computer Vision Library | 0 |
194 | openlibrary | Público | Sí | Python | 38892 | 0 | One webpage for every book ever published! | 0 |
195 | openwayback | Público | Sí | Java | 45185 | 0 | The OpenWayback Development | 0 |
196 | ores | Público | Sí | Python | 6285 | 0 | A hosting service for 'revscoring' models. | 0 |
197 | pablog-scripts | Público | Sí | Python | 301 | 0 | Misc personal scripts | 0 |
198 | palebluedot | Público | Sí | HTML | 668 | 0 | Carl Sagan and Pale Blue Dot | 1 |
199 | pdfminer | Público | Sí | Python | 12529 | 0 | Python PDF Parser | 0 |
200 | pipar | Público | Sí | Ruby | 104896 | 0 | Open Data scrapper of political parties registries. Currently only for Ministry of Interior of Spain registry. Open to other countries! | 0 |
201 | plowshare | Público | Sí | Shell | 10793 | 0 | Command-line tool and engine for managing sharing websites | 0 |
202 | privacybadgerfirefox | Público | Sí | JavaScript | 3117 | 0 | Privacy Badger for Firefox | 0 |
203 | proyecto-colibri | Público | Sí | Python | 2714 | 0 | Codigo fuente del Proyecto Colibri | 0 |
204 | pyinstaller | Público | Sí | Python | 34079 | 0 | PyInstaller official GIT repository | 0 |
205 | pyknow | Público | Sí | Python | 1759 | 0 | PyKnow: Expert Systems for Python | 0 |
206 | python-mediawiki-utilities | Público | Sí | Python | 1404 | 0 | A set of utilities for accessing and processing MediaWiki data. | 0 |
207 | python-telegram-bot | Público | Sí | Python | 3257 | 0 | We have made you a wrapper you can't refuse | 0 |
208 | pywikibot-core | Público | Sí | Python | 26835 | 0 | Github mirror of "pywikibot/core" - our actual code is hosted with Gerrit (please see for contributing | 0 |
209 | qBittorrent | Público | Sí | C++ | 108137 | 0 | qBittorrent BitTorrent client | 0 |
210 | quine-relay | Público | Sí | Ruby | 5486 | 0 | An uroboros program with 100 programming languages | 0 |
211 | | Público | Sí | None | 2658 | 0 | Notes on Capital by Karl Marx | 0 |
212 | redmine | Público | Sí | Ruby | 54721 | 0 | Mirror of redmine code source - Official SVN repository is at - contact: @jbbarth or jeanbaptiste.barth (at) gmail (dot) com | 0 |
213 | robobrowser | Público | Sí | Python | 200 | 0 | None | 0 |
214 | | Público | Sí | Python | 19 | 0 | Make every open-access academic paper discoverable and readable | 0 |
215 | scrapers | Público | Sí | Python | 152 | 0 | None | 0 |
216 | search | Público | Sí | PHP | 537 | 0 | An Open Source Search Engine | 0 |
217 | snscrape | Público | Sí | Python | 33 | 0 | A social networking service scraper in Python | 0 |
218 | socialscrape-bot | Público | Sí | Python | 1074 | 0 | Bot for operating snscrape in #archivebot on efnet | 0 |
219 | | Público | Sí | HTML | 1467 | 0 | Code for aggregating wikipedia traffic statistics | 0 |
220 | steganography.js | Público | Sí | JavaScript | 273 | 0 | Hide secret messages with JavaScript and this library | 0 |
221 | sum | Público | Sí | HTML | 315 | 0 | The Sum of All Knowledge - A project to visualize the knowledge getting added to Wikidata, Wikipedia and Wikimedia Commons. | 0 |
222 | t-hoarder | Público | Sí | Python | 220 | 0 | None | 0 |
223 | tdesktop | Público | Sí | C++ | 67284 | 0 | Telegram Desktop messaging app | 0 |
224 | telegram-forward-bot | Público | Sí | Python | 24 | 0 | Simple Telegram Bot for forwarding messages easily between various related channels and groups. | 0 |
225 | telegram_backup | Público | Sí | Java | 2900 | 0 | Java app to download all your telegram data. | 0 |
226 | tensorflow | Público | Sí | C++ | 296044 | 0 | An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone | 0 |
227 | texts | Público | Sí | None | 5896 | 0 | The text repository behind "red texts: communist text files" | 0 |
228 | timelinejs | Público | Sí | JavaScript | 1720 | 0 | jQuery timeline plugin, easily creates timeline slider. | 0 |
229 | toolserver | Público | Sí | Python | 2411 | 0 | Automatically exported from | 0 |
230 | | Público | Sí | Go | 15950 | 0 | Easy and fast file sharing from the command-line. | 0 |
231 | trending | Público | Sí | None | 124001 | 0 | Dataset of trending repositories on GitHub | 0 |
232 | trending-youtube | Público | Sí | None | 90817 | 0 | Trending videos on YouTube | 0 |
233 | tubeup | Público | Sí | Python | 195 | 0 | Download a video using youtube-dl and upload to the Internet Archive with metadata. | 1 |
234 | tweepy | Público | Sí | Python | 9158 | 0 | Twitter for Python! | 0 |
235 | | Público | Sí | HTML | 5594 | 0 | My personal website | 0 |
236 | wayback-machine-downloader | Público | Sí | None | 145 | 0 | Download an entire website from the Wayback Machine. | 0 |
237 | web-design-in-4-minutes | Público | Sí | HTML | 4302 | 0 | Learn the basics of web design in 4 minutes | 0 |
238 | webtorrent | Público | Sí | JavaScript | 6597 | 0 | ⚡️ Streaming torrent client for the web | 0 |
239 | wiki-needs-pictures | Público | Sí | JavaScript | 3536 | 0 | Map showing entities around the world that need photographs on Wikipedia | 0 |
240 | wikidot | Público | Sí | PHP | 4892 | 0 | Full featured Wiki engine based on PHP, PostgreSQL and Lighttpd | 0 |
241 | wikiteam | Público | Sí | DIGITAL Command Language | 15464 | 0 | Tools for downloading and preserving wikis | 0 |
242 | wpull | Público | Sí | HTML | 4055 | 0 | Wget-compatible web downloader and crawler. | 0 |
243 | yourevalued | Público | Sí | Python | 11 | 0 | Twitter bot to tell people they're valued. | 0 |
244 | youtube | Público | Sí | JavaScript | 6579 | 0 | None | 0 |
245 | youtube2internetarchive | Público | Sí | Python | 151 | 0 | Fork of | 0 |
Repositorios en Google Code
Google Code fue una forja de código fuente creada por Google que cerró en 2016 ya que otras alternativas como GitHub le sobrepasaron. Moví la mayoría, sino todos, mis proyectos a GitHub. Aún así se mantiene una copia en el Google Code Archive.
Ya no se publica nuevo código en Google Code. La siguiente tabla indica dónde se encuentran ahora los proyectos.
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Repositorios en Rediris
Rediris disponía de una forja de código en que en 2016 fue cerrada y reemplazada por Lo que sucedió es que los proyectos no fueron trasladados automáticamente al nuevo lugar, sino que lo tenía que hacer cada desarrollador, de modo que la mayoría quedaron inaccesibles. De más de 1.000 proyectos que había en la anterior forja en 2016, solo 25 fueron migrados a la nueva forja.